Opa! Prepare Your Kids for Their Greek Adventure: Essential Greek Words and Phrases

greek word for kids

Are you and your family embarking on a new adventure by moving to Greece? Congratulations! As you prepare for your exciting new life, it can be helpful for your kids to pick up some essential Greek words and phrases.

While a new language can seem challenging at first, even young minds can grasp basic Greek. Imagine the confidence boost your child will get when they can order their favourite snack at the local bakery or thank their neighbour for a warm welcome!

This guide provides a fun list of Greek words and phrases to get your kids started on their journey to becoming little Greek citizens.

Making New Friends in Greece with Greetings

  • Γεια σας (Yá sas): Hello (formal) – Teach your kids to greet adults politely with “Yá sas!”
  • Γεια σου (Yá su): Hello (informal) – Encourage them to use “Yá su!” with new friends their age.
  • Τι κάνεις; (Ti kánis?): How are you? – Spark conversations with this friendly question.
  • Χαίρομαι που σε γνωρίζω (Chaíromai pou se gnorízω): Nice to meet you – This phrase will help them make new friends at school.

Fun Phrases for Everyday Life in Greece

Learning Greek goes beyond greetings! Here are some useful phrases to navigate everyday situations:

  • Ευχαριστώ (Efcharistó): Thank you – “Efcharistó” is a magic word that goes a long way in showing appreciation.
  • Παρακαλώ (Parakalo): Please – “Parakalo” shows respect when making a request.
  • Ναι (Ne): Yes – A simple “Ne” comes in handy for giving approval.
  • Όχι (Óchi): No – “Óchi” is helpful for polite disagreement.
  • Συγγνώμη (Syγγnómi): Excuse me – “Syγγnómi” is essential for navigating crowded streets or asking for help.
  • Χρειάζομαι (Chreιάzomai): I need – Help your child ask for things they need with “Chreιάzomai [item]”.

Exploring the Fun Side of Greek with Food Words

Greek cuisine is a delicious adventure for the taste buds. Here are some Greek words for kids related to food:

  • Για να φάμε (Yia na fáme): Let’s eat! – Get everyone excited about mealtimes with this phrase.
  • Νόστιμο (Nóστιmo): Delicious – Help your child express how much they enjoy their new Greek food.
  • Παγωτό (Pagotó): Ice cream – This word is sure to be a hit!
  • Γεια μας (Yia mas!): Cheers! – This phrase is perfect for celebrating special occasions over a family meal.

Learning Beyond the Basics: Making Greece Home

This list provides a springboard for your kids’ Greek language journey. Remember, the most important thing is to have fun and embrace the experience!

Spark their curiosity and immerse them in the language through interactive games and activities. Download Parlini Land, a safe-screen time app with educational games in various languages, including Greek. Parlini Land can be a great way to introduce Greek for kids in a fun and interactive manner.

With a smile and a few Greek words, your children will be well on their way to feeling at home in Greece and making new friends in their new community! Make sure to visit our home page for the latest updates.

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